Why Won't He Commit to Me? Big Question Answered!

Why Won't He Commit?

For a woman that's constantly waiting her lover to propose her, a question "why won't he commit to me?" will always pop in her head. And this question is often difficult to answer.

Women don't have a clue why men couldn't commit to them or why men won't willing to marry them. Knowing the answer of this question will give you a whole new perspective about your lover. And in turn, you will know him better.

Why won't he commit to me? The big question.

There are certain reasons why a man is not ready to commit to a woman. When you understand the reasons behind man's indecisiveness to commit, you will be able learn why he won't commit to you yet.

But, soon you'll also understand how to make him fully committed to you in his own accord. Okay, here are the reasons why a man won't want to commit to you yet:

1. He feels insecure (Insecurity breeds indecisiveness)

Perhaps you don't know about it yet, but a man will convince himself that he's not ready for you yet until he feels secure about himself. Most men feel insecure and afraid about what will come next when they marry the women they love.

They will think about how to feed and care for the family. He will think about how he can make you happy with what he has. He will wonder whether you will be asking him too much or not. That's why a man will think his steps carefully before committing to a woman that he loves. Tips for you:

- Encourage him. He needs your encouragement and assurance that you will support him no matter what happens later.

- Tell him that you will accept him for whatever he is.

- Assure him that he his secure enough to step into the experience of marriage.

2. He doesn't feel comfortable with you (It's natural for a man to flee once he feels uncomfortable)

Sometimes, a man will think again several times before he commits to a woman. Usually, here's what he's thinking all the time: "Is she the right woman for me that will lead me to a happy life in the time to come?"

Perhaps, you are too pushy to him, and he doesn't like that. Yes, man doesn't like to be controlled. He wants to be in control. When he starts to feel uncomfortable with you, he will usually try to get away from you.

What you should do is to keep him in his comfort zone. Do not push him to commit. Instead, you should inspire him to take that decision faster. Always strive to be the best for him. Here are some advices for you:

- Forcing your man to commit won't move him further. Instead he will tend to run from you.

- Inspire him to make decision instead of forcing him. Keep making him comfortable.

3. He loves freedom (It's difficult to catch a free man)

There are some men that love freedom so much that they're not willing to commit to anyone. They regard women as only an object of fun. They don't want to raise a family because it will mean that he will be confined in it.

So, when you ask yourself, "why won't he commit to me?": The answer will usually come, "because he simply doesn't want to commit to anything." Even though your man seems to love freedom so much, you can still make him commit to you.

You just need to keep him feel comfortable with his freedom and avoid confining him so much. For example, don't be over-protective to him because a man who loves freedom doesn't like to be treated like a small kid.

Why won't he commit to me?

Those reasons should bring a good understanding to answer your question "why won't he commit to me?"

My advice is that in order to make your man to commit, you have to refrain from confining and forcing him to make decision. It won't work. Instead, you should inspire him to take that commitment on his own accord.

Meanwhile, do these things to inspire him to commit to you:

Keep a positive attitude. Let him know that you're the best for him, and that you will always be on his side. Support him whenever he needs your support. Encourage him in time of troubles, and make him feel good about himself.

Give your man the necessary space to do what he likes to do. Don't confine him with many rules that will only make your relationship in danger.

Keep a constant communication with him. Don't lose communication for a long time, because it will only give him a chance to draw further away from you.

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Make a man to commit without being pushy

I know how frustrating it is to be in years of relationship without serious commitment from your man. It's the time for you to make him to commit. Don't delay, and don't wait any longer. Inspire your man to commit without being pushy to him.

The Girl Gets Ring System can be your real helper when it comes to commitment. You can prove that this system is very effective for you once you apply this system right away.